Seniors First COVID/ONLINE SCAMS list for seniors (2020)

Free Online Therapy
Self directed courses. Usually based in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy . Some include a counsellor for brief support of the therapy units.
Wellness Together www.wellnesstogether.ca. Virtual, 24/7 professional counsellors, groups, resources. Provided through funding from the Canadian government.
Bounceback. www.bouncebackbc.ca/
Has modules for adults and ones for teens.
Kelty's Key. www.keltyskey.com
Has specific modules such as for chronic pain, grief, and substance use. Designed by Vancouver Coastal Health.
Canadian Mental Health Association. Online programs 8-12 hour modules. https://livinglifetothefull.ca/

Existing Emotional Wellness Support
1- If you are working, your work health insurance may cover mental health services with a Psychologist or Registered Counsellor, usually without the need for a physician's referral. Check your policy or call your group benefits provider. Free to Co-pay.
2-Work Employee Assistance Programs (EAP). Your workplace may have short term therapy provision through their own network. Talk to your human services department. Free
3-Brella. Adult Day Program. Community Support Programs: caregiver support, legal and income tax support, meal program, telephone support networking, Extensive online resources available. 604-536-9348 www.brellasociety.ca
4-Sources Counselling and Substance Use Services in White Rock is a community service that offers fee-based individual, couples, and family counselling www.sourcesbc.ca (under the MENU-Our Services). Free 8 sessions if referral accepted through your Family Physician. Free support for substance use. 604-538-2522 email: counsellingservices@sourcesbc.ca
5-White Rock/South Surrey Older Adult Community Mental Health. Services are part of the Fraser Health Authority, 65 and older. For those struggling with mental health issues and are having difficulty managing their daily living. Medical Interpreter available for other languages. 604-541-6844 FREE https://www.fraserhealth.ca/.Find the Mental Health button on Main Page.
6-Private Practice therapists are available through the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors https://bc-counsellors.org/ or the BC Psychological Association https://www.psychologists.bc.ca/
Fees for private therapy will range from $120 to $220+
7-QMUNITY LGBTQIA2S+ Are you an older adult or senior or know one, who needs help while physically isolating? QMUNITY wants to help. Online drop in support group and a Friendly Visitor program once a week. Please call or email Courtney Dieckbrader, Specialist in Seniors Programming and get connected. www.qmunity.ca 604.684.5307 ext. 110, email:seniors@qmunity.ca
8-Hospice. For those dealing with loss and change due to advanced illness, Peace Arch Hospice provides a variety of programs including a walking group, individual and group support support via telephone, videoconference, in-home and in person. www.peacearchhospice.org 604-531-7484
9-If you are being abused or mistreated, call the Seniors Abuse & Information Line at 1-866-437-1940, 7 days a week, 8am-8pm http://seniorsfirstbc.ca/
10-First Nations Culturally informed counselling and crisis support is available through fnha.ca and the 24-hour crisis line, 1-800-588-8717. FREE
11-Fraser Region Aboriginal Friendship Centre Association (FRAFCA). A variety of culturally informed services including: Positive Health Program, Complex Needs Connections Navigator, Indigenous Addictions Specialist, 60 Scoop Program, Trauma Response Counselling, Indigenous Domestic Violence, Community Liaison, Ending Violence Against Women, Red Path Program
12-If you are a victim of a crime, Crime Victims Assistance can help you apply for access to therapy services. 1-866-660-3888 cvap@gov.bc.ca FREE or CoPay depending on the therapist rates.
13-DIVERSEcity These programs provide short-term, solution-focused counselling and support services in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, Farsi and English.
Free family and youth counselling provided as well.
14-SUCCESS BC: Mandarin and Cantonese resources counselling and support. Fees on a sliding scale based on income.
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