Essential Services/Front Line Workers

Thank you for your service. Keep yourself safe and healthy.
Existing Therapy Support Services
A) Extended Health. Your work insurance may already cover mental health services with a Psychologist or Registered Counsellor, usually without the need for a physician's referral. Check your policy or call your group benefits provider.
B) Work EAP-Employee Assistance Programs. Your workplace may already have short term therapy provision through their own network. Talk to your human services department.
C) White Rock/South Surrey Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Services are part of the Fraser Health Authority https://www.fraserhealth.ca/. Find the Mental Health button on Main Page. Call 604-541-6844 to set up an intake phone session. Free-individual therapy services currently over the telephone. FREE
D) Sources Counselling Services in White Rock is a community service that offers fee-based individual, couples, family, and group counselling. Mandarin and Spanish speaking therapists available. Call 604-538-2522 to set up an intake phone session. Video/phone therapy provided.https://www.sourcesbc.ca/our-services/counselling-services/
E) Private Practice therapists are available through both the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors https://bc-counsellors.org/ or the BC Psychological Association .https://www.psychologists.bc.ca/ Fees for private therapy will range from $120 to $220+
F) Bounceback.ca is a free (Canadian Mental Health online program) skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach. 9 self study CBT modules can be accessed immediately. (They removed the physician referral requirement) https://bouncebackbc.ca/ FREE
G)Veterans and RCMP members can connect to any therapy provider already in the RCMP and Veterans Health Services Network. FREE
H) Domestic abuse. Women's Place can be a resource 604-536-9611 for clothing, shelter, peer crisis support FREE
I) First Nations support is available through fnha.ca and the 24 hour crisis line, 1-800-588-8717 FREE
J) E.L.L Resources: SuccessBC:
Mandarin and Cantonese language resources counselling and support. 604-270-8233助, 604-270-8222辅助
These programs provide short-term, solution-focused counselling and support services in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, Farsi and English.
L) Victim of a crime, Crime Victims Assistance can help you apply for access to therapy services. 1-866-660-3888 cvap@gov.bc.ca
M)Low income and no other counselling coverage? Ask your WRSS Family Practice Physician about 8 session counselling grants delivered through Sources.

COVID Related Free Support
Specific COVID related support services:
Crisis? Text FRONTLINE to 741741 for crisis support through Wellness Together Canada
Now Available: Canadian Psychology Association now has an online registry of BC psychologists who will provide free therapy to front line health care providers.
Now Available:
Care to Speak: peer support for B.C. healthcare workers
If you are experiencing tough times or challenges with your mental health, access online chat support or call 1-866-802-7337 (PEER) for peer support Monday to Friday, 5pm to 9pm, or Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Peer volunteers have healthcare experience within the continuing care sector. They are trained to provide virtual support and can refer you to additional resources.
Now Available; Together-wr free support therapy services for local White Rock/South Surrey Residents, 1-3 sessions.
Now Available: Sources Trauma Counselling supporting those in WR/SS who are suffering from domestic or interpersonal violence.
Resource and referral line: 604-541-4826