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Essential Services/Front Line Workers

Female Worker

Thank you for your service. Keep yourself safe and healthy.

Existing Therapy Support Services


A) Extended Health. Your work insurance may already cover mental health services with a Psychologist or Registered Counsellor, usually without the need for a physician's referral. Check your policy or call your group benefits provider.


B) Work EAP-Employee Assistance Programs. Your workplace may already have short term therapy provision through their own network. Talk to your human services department. 


C) White Rock/South Surrey Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. Services are part of the Fraser Health Authority Find the Mental Health button on Main Page. Call 604-541-6844 to set up an intake phone session.  Free-individual therapy services currently over the telephone. FREE


D) Sources Counselling Services in White Rock is a community service that offers fee-based individual, couples, family, and group counselling. Mandarin and Spanish speaking therapists available.  Call 604-538-2522 to set up an intake phone session. Video/phone therapy provided.


E) Private Practice therapists are available through both the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors or the BC Psychological Association . Fees for private therapy will range from $120 to $220+


F)  is a free (Canadian Mental Health online program) skill-building program designed to help adults and youth 15+ manage low mood, mild to moderate depression, anxiety, stress or worry. Delivered online or over the phone with a coach. 9 self study CBT modules can be accessed immediately. (They removed the physician referral requirement)  FREE


G)Veterans and RCMP members can connect to any therapy provider already in the RCMP and Veterans  Health Services Network. FREE


H) Domestic abuse. Women's Place can be a resource 604-536-9611 for clothing, shelter, peer crisis support FREE


I) First Nations support is available through and the 24 hour crisis line, 1-800-588-8717 FREE


J) E.L.L Resources: SuccessBC: 

Mandarin and Cantonese language resources counselling and support. 604-270-8233助,       604-270-8222辅助



These programs provide short-term, solution-focused counselling and support services in Punjabi, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin, Korean, Farsi and English.


L) Victim of a crime, Crime Victims Assistance can help you apply for access to therapy services. 1-866-660-3888 


M)Low income and no other counselling coverage? Ask your WRSS Family Practice Physician about 8 session counselling grants delivered through Sources. 


male shopkeeper checking the quality of

COVID Related Free Support

Specific COVID related support services:

Crisis? Text FRONTLINE to 741741 for crisis support through Wellness Together Canada


Now Available: Canadian Psychology Association now has an online registry of BC psychologists who will provide free therapy to front line health care providers


Now Available: 

Care to Speak: peer support for B.C. healthcare workers

If you are experiencing tough times or challenges with your mental health, access online chat support  or call 1-866-802-7337 (PEER) for peer support  Monday to Friday, 5pm to 9pm, or Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Peer volunteers have healthcare experience within the continuing care sector. They are trained to provide virtual support and can refer you to additional resources.


Now Available; Together-wr free support therapy services for local White Rock/South Surrey Residents, 1-3 sessions.


Now Available: Sources Trauma Counselling supporting those in WR/SS who are suffering from domestic or interpersonal violence.

Resource and referral line: 604-541-4826

Nurse Talking to Patient
Female Worker Smiling
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Smiling Nurse
Young Male Nurse
industry worker

Note: This site is a community-based volunteer mental health collaboration. All information on is for educational purposes only. For specific advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. 

For emergencies call 911.

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