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Seniors Day Program-Brella

Day Program by Brella

Referral required through Fraser Health Home Health (see contact below)

Our Day Programs for Older Adults offer specialized care within a supportive, nurturing environment, ensuring our clients feel valued and respected in a safe environment. The Day Programs focus on the needs of each person as our clients have a variety of health, physical, or cognitive related issues. We build on the strengths of each individual, while being mindful of any limitations. We respect the client’s rights to choose and are supportive throughout their decision making process.

 At the Day Program, each day we offer a variety of recreational programs, opportunities to socialize with peers, exercises that strengthen and promote safety, and health monitoring.

Fraser Health Home Health at 1-855-412-2121

Note: This site is a community-based volunteer mental health collaboration. All information on is for educational purposes only. For specific advice, diagnoses, and treatment, consult your doctor, psychologist, or psychiatrist. 

For emergencies call 911.

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