COVID specific information
Our main business is not to see what lies dimly at a distance, but to do what lies clearly at hand.
-Thomas Carlyle
Online Articles (newer at top)
Covid Fatigue. Global news discussion with psychologist.
5 tips for handling your mental health during a second wave of COVID-19
John Hopkins article on COVID burnout and fatigue
University of California COVID resources including dealing with COVID burnout
Preserving your mental health during COVID. Economist interview with Brene Brown
Making decisions under the stress of a pandemic.
Six daily questions to ask yourself while social distancing
Free online book, Dr. Meichenbaum, Roadmap to Resilience.
Excellent handout regarding coping with COVID stress by the Canadian Psychological Association
Chatelaine article with Vancouver psychologist regarding Covid Anxiety.
Tip sheet from Institute for Disaster Mental Health (IDMH) Covid-19: Managing stress in this anxious time:
Engadget article on impact and coping with COVID isolation. Interview with Psychologist.
Canadian Center for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). Helpful information on coping with isolation and quarantine.
Scroll down the CAMH Covid page as they also have a good self-test regarding level of perceived stress.
Article from Psychologist-How to deal with the day to day while at home.
Psychology Today: Surviving Quarantine with your relationship intact.
Mayo Clinic -Kristin Lothman: Mindfulness & Meditation - COVID-19 - Meditation Example. A lovely mindfulness video focused on Covid Stress
Dr. Tara Brach, expert in mindfulness meditation, provides a free guided meditation for times of pandemic.
Jon Kabot Zinn. Mindfulness, Healing, and Wisdom in a time of Covid.
HELPFUL VIDEOS/Podcasts/Learning
Dr. Russ Harris, Australian ACT psychologist has a helpful video about anxiety on YouTube about "How to respond effectively to the corona virus" The animated video is nicer than the title :)
Renowned trauma psychologist, Bessel Van de Kolk discusses personal connections and covid (other videos as well!)
News talk radio interview with Cdn Psychologist re mental illness and covid19.
Dr. Jud Brewer, neuro-psychiatrist from Brown University has created several, specific YouTube videos for Covid stress. Here's one on "How to train your brain to use kindness to create connection during a crisis & make it a habit" Here's one on How to move from a fixed to growth mindset.
The University Of Berkley, California website called Greater Good has many positive resources. This is a podcast on connection while distancing.
Yale University has released its popular Happiness Class course free to the public.
10percentHappier-Podcast, How to go easier on yourself in a pandemic with Dr. Kristin Neff
10 percent happier podcast resources for the pandemic
Podcast from most popular Yale psychology professor, Dr. Laurie Santos at the Happiness Lab.